Automating lighthouse reports with Unlighthouse

Recently, I’ve had to build a continuous integration to automatically check for lighthouse reports and send notifications on Microsoft Teams if the scores were too low. The implementation not only ended up being completely free of charge but it’s also pretty straightforward so I figured other people might find it interesting.

Do you really need this kind of implementation?

If you use Vercel or Netlify, chances are you don’t. Both offer ways to get Lighthouse reports automatically in their respective ways. Vercel calls them ”Speed insights”. They are updated even after your first deployment and display historical data. Netlify, on the other hand, has a Lighthouse extension that shows standard lighthouse reports on every build.

In my case I was using Netlify, so why did I need to build my own CI/CD integration? Well, they both don’t have a way to send notifications if certain conditions aren’t met and they also don’t support websites that make use of Basic Auth.

Unlighthouse comes into play

Like Lighthouse, but it scans every single page.

I’m genuinely impressed that Unlighthouse isn’t more popular. The project only has ~3000 stars on GitHub at the time of writing this article and it absolutely deserves more. It offers a powerful CLI that, on average, can scan entire websites in two minutes!

Implementing it in your CI/CD pipeline is straightforward and they offer a clear example in their docs. In my case though, I needed a way to send external Microsoft Teams notifications if specific conditions weren’t met.

NOTE: By making minor changes you could make the script work with any service that supports webhooks.

GitHub webhook setup

I needed Unlighthouse to run on each new build. Deploying the action on each commit (which is how we fire our development builds) isn’t smart since builds take longer than Unlighthouse to deploy. This meant that I needed to run a webhook instead.

Unfortunately, GitHub actions doesn’t support webhooks and use workflow dispatches instead. In short, to fire them, you are required to send a bearer token like so:

curl -L \ -X POST \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ \ -d '{"ref":"topic-branch","inputs":{"name":"Mona the Octocat","home":"San Francisco, CA"}}'

I had to build a wrapper around them to make them behave like an actual webhook. This can be done in many ways, like spinning up a serverless function or adding a route to your existing API. In JavaScript, it would look something like this:

const req = await fetch(
    method: "POST",
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/vnd.github+json",
      Authorization: "Bearer YOUR_TOKEN",
    body: JSON.stringify({ event_type: "YOUR_EVENT" }),

if (!req.ok) {
  throw new Error("Not okay :(");
// ...

Keep in mind that this is an example and should not be used in production. This is because everyone with a link to your webhook would be able to fire an event, which is dangerous as Actions’ free plan offers only 2000 minutes of execution per month (and up to 50,000 for their Enterprise plan). In short, you need to find a way to sign your requests.

I’m using Netlify to fire webhooks, and all of their requests are signed using JWS. Their docs have an example written in Ruby, and rewriting it in your language of choice shouldn’t be too difficult.

require "digest"
require "jwt"
require "sinatra"

def signed(request, body)
  signature = request["X-Webhook-Signature"]
  return unless signature

  options = {iss: "netlify", verify_iss: true, algorithm: "HS256"}
  decoded = JWT.decode(signature, "your signature secret", true, options)

  ## decoded :
  ## [
  ##   { sha256: "..." }, # this is the data in the token
  ##   { alg: "..." } # this is the header in the token
  ## ]
  decoded.first[:sha256] == Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(body)
rescue JWT::DecodeError

post "/netlify-hook" do
  body =
  halt 403 unless signed(request, body)

  json = JSON.parse(body)
  # do something with the notification payload here

If you don’t know where to start, I would have a look at JWT.

Deploying Unlighthouse to Netlify

Deploying Unlighthouse to Netlify can be done for free, and you only need to create a new project and get the following variables and store them in your GitHub repository secrets:

Obviously, you aren’t forced to host Unlighthouse on Netlify, but I consider it the most effortless approach.

Configuring the Webhook (Microsoft Teams)

It’s time to create a webhook in the channel where you wish to receive notifications. It’s explained in great detail in their docs and implementing it shouldn’t be too trivial. All you need to do is test the webhook (using CURL, Insomnia, Postman, or whatever you like) and store the generated webhook URL in your repository secrets as TEAMS_UNLIGHTHOUSE_WEBHOOK once you are sure that it works.

The script that I wrote is the following:

// scripts/unlighthouse.mjs
import { readFileSync } from 'fs'
const report = JSON.parse(readFileSync('./.unlighthouse/ci-result.json'))

// minimum acceptable scores (from 0 to 1)
const minScores = {
  performance: 0.9,
  accessibility: 1,
  seo: 1,
  bestPractices: 1,

if (!report) {
  console.error('The report file is missing! [SKIPPING WEBHOOK]')

const averageScores = {
  performance: report.summary.categories.performance.averageScore,
  accessibility: report.summary.categories.accessibility.averageScore,
  seo: report.summary.categories.seo.averageScore,
  bestPractices: report.summary.categories['best-practices'].averageScore,

const routes = report.routes

const failedPaths = {
  performance: 0,
  accessibility: 0,
  seo: 0,
  bestPractices: 0,

const lowestScores = {
  performance: 100,
  accessibility: 100,
  seo: 100,
  bestPractices: 100,

function increaseIfFailedPath(routeScores, key) {
  const currentScore = routeScores[key]
  if (currentScore < minScores[key]) {
    console.log(`[+] Failed '${key}' (${currentScore} < ${minScores[key]})`)
    failedPaths[key] += 1
    if (currentScore < lowestScores[key]) {
      lowestScores[key] = currentScore

for (let route of routes) {
  const routeScores = {
    performance: route.categories.performance.score,
    accessibility: route.categories.accessibility.score,
    seo: route.categories.seo.score,
    bestPractices: route.categories['best-practices'].score,

  increaseIfFailedPath(routeScores, 'performance')
  increaseIfFailedPath(routeScores, 'accessibility')
  increaseIfFailedPath(routeScores, 'seo')
  increaseIfFailedPath(routeScores, 'bestPractices')


const webhookPayload = [
    type: 'TextBlock',
    text: '🤖 **A new Unlighthouse report was created!**',
let isPerfectScore = true

function addReportToPayload(key, icon, title) {
  const failedReports = failedPaths[key]
  if (failedReports >= 1) {
    isPerfectScore = false

    const testLabel = failedReports == 1 ? 'test' : 'tests'
    const reportsFailedLabel = `${icon} **${failedReports}** ${title} ${testLabel} **failed**`

      type: 'TextBlock',
      text: `${reportsFailedLabel}! _Score lower than ${(
        minScores[key] * 100
      type: 'TextBlock',
      text: `Avg score: **${(
        averageScores[key] * 100
      ).toFixed()}%** | Min score: **${(lowestScores[key] * 100).toFixed()}%**`,

addReportToPayload('performance', '🚀', 'Performance')
addReportToPayload('seo', '🔍', 'SEO')
addReportToPayload('accessibility', '♿', 'Accessibility')
addReportToPayload('bestPractices', '📚', 'Best Practices')

if (isPerfectScore) {
    type: 'TextBlock',
    text: '🎉 Good news! This build passed all the tests',

  type: 'TextBlock',
  text: '🔍 [Click here](YOUR_DEPLOYMENT_LINK) to inspect the report.',

const webhookUrl = process.env.TEAMS_UNLIGHTHOUSE_WEBHOOK
if (!webhookUrl) {
  console.log("Missing 'TEAMS_UNLIGHTHOUSE_WEBHOOK'")

await fetch(process.env.TEAMS_UNLIGHTHOUSE_WEBHOOK, {
  method: 'POST',
  body: JSON.stringify({
    type: 'message',
    attachments: [
        contentType: 'application/',
        contentUrl: null,
        content: {
          $schema: '',
          type: 'AdaptiveCard',
          version: '1.2',
          body: webhookPayload,
I personally saved the file to the directory ./scripts/unlighthouse.mjs. If you are planning to use a different directory keep in mind that you should also change the GitHub action in the following step.

This script can and will run locally if you want to test it by running the following commands. Keep in mind that you should add .unlighthouse to your .gitignore.

npm install -g @unlighthouse/cli puppeteer 
unlighthouse-ci --site YOUR_WEBSITE_URL --reporter jsonExpanded --build-static

Let the action begin.

By now you should have 3 secrets stored in your GitHub repository:


With that you can simply create .github/workflows/unlighthouse.yml

name: Unlighthouse


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
          fetch-depth: 0

      - name: Install Dependencies
        run: npm install -g @unlighthouse/cli puppeteer netlify-cli

      - name: Run Unlighthouse
        run: unlighthouse-ci --site YOUR_WEBSITE_URL --reporter jsonExpanded --build-static

      - name: Send webhook
        run: node ./scripts/unlighthouse.mjs

      - name: Deploy to Netlify
        run: cd .unlighthouse && netlify deploy --dir=../.unlighthouse --prod --message="New Unlighthouse deploy from GitHub"
          NETLIFY_SITE_ID: ${{ secrets.NETLIFY_SITE_ID }}

And you should be good to go.

If you have any more questions, feel free to send me an email!